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Input handling is the ability to listen and react to key strikes, mouse movements, and other physical input.

Hammerstone Edition™

We recommend you use Hammerstone for managing input. You can find the Hammerstone docs here.

Adding your action to the keyMap

The first step is overwriting scripts/mainThread/keyBinding.lua. I think it's also possible to add bindings from other files, but I think there may be an ordering dependency here, so I suggest overwriting in-place.


There is a mod-exposed api:

  • keyMapping
  • doubleMapping
  • addGroup
  • addMapping


Here is a sample code, which adds a custom keybinding:

function mod:onload(keyMapping)
	keyMapping.addMapping("game", "testBinding", keyMapping.keyCodes.f5, nil)

Listening to your Action

The next step is actually listening to your action. This can by adding an event listener to the game's eventManager:

-- Yes, the code is intentionally misspelt
eventManager:addEventListenter(keyChangedCallback, eventManager.keyChangedListeners)

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