Input Manager
The input manager provides an easy to use API for adding input binding to your mod.
Example Use Case
Pressing ctrl+p
to fast-forward time to the next day.
local inputManager = mjrequire "hammerstone/input/inputManager"
Using Input Manager
The input system in Sapiens is fully rebindable, so we have to use strings to keep track of inputs. Input can also be grouped together.
The built in groups for Sapiens are as follows:
: Contains menu navigation controlsgame
: Contains hotkeys for opening various in-game menusmovement
: Contains forward, backwards, left & right, among other thingsbuilding
: Contains various building shortcuts & hotkeys.textEntry
: Contains keys like send and backspace.multiSelect
: Contains the subtract modifier for multiselect.debug
: Contains various debug controlscinematicCamera
: Contains all the control for the cinematic camera
When adding a key mapping, you have to use one of these groups:
inputManager:addMapping("groupName", ...)
Adding a Group
Hammerstone has support for adding a group like this:
Key Codes & Modifiers
Sapiens uses key codes instead of strings to determine default keys. The keyCodes and modifiers can be accessed with:
local keyMapping = mjrequire "mainThread/keyMapping"
local keyCodes = keyMapping.keyCodes
local modifiers = keyMapping.modifiers
Full list of all keycodes
- backspace
- tab
- key_return
- escape
- space
- exclaim
- quotedbl
- hash
- dollar
- percent
- ampersand
- quote
- leftparen
- rightparen
- asterisk
- plus
- comma
- minus
- period
- slash
- key_0
- key_1
- key_2
- key_3
- key_4
- key_5
- key_6
- key_7
- key_8
- key_9
- colon
- semicolon
- less
- equals
- greater
- question
- at
- leftbracket
- backslash
- rightbracket
- caret
- underscore
- backquote
- a
- b
- c
- d
- e
- f
- g
- h
- i
- j
- k
- l
- m
- n
- o
- p
- q
- r
- s
- t
- u
- v
- w
- x
- y
- z
- delete
- capslock
- f1
- f2
- f3
- f4
- f5
- f6
- f7
- f8
- f9
- f10
- f11
- f12
- printscreen
- scrolllock
- pause
- insert
- home
- pageup
- key_end
- pagedown
- right
- left
- down
- up
- numlockclear
- kp_divide
- kp_multiply
- kp_minus
- kp_plus
- kp_enter
- kp_1
- kp_2
- kp_3
- kp_4
- kp_5
- kp_6
- kp_7
- kp_8
- kp_9
- kp_0
- kp_period
- application
- power
- kp_equals
- f13
- f14
- f15
- f16
- f17
- f18
- f19
- f20
- f21
- f22
- f23
- f24
- execute
- help
- menu
- select
- stop
- again
- undo
- cut
- copy
- paste
- find
- mute
- volumeup
- volumedown
- kp_comma
- kp_equalsas400
- alterase
- sysreq
- cancel
- clear
- prior
- return2
- separator
- out
- oper
- clearagain
- crsel
- exsel
- kp_00
- kp_000
- thousandsseparator
- decimalseparator
- currencyunit
- currencysubunit
- kp_leftparen
- kp_rightparen
- kp_leftbrace
- kp_rightbrace
- kp_tab
- kp_backspace
- kp_a
- kp_b
- kp_c
- kp_d
- kp_e
- kp_f
- kp_xor
- kp_power
- kp_percent
- kp_less
- kp_greater
- kp_ampersand
- kp_dblampersand
- kp_verticalbar
- kp_dblverticalbar
- kp_colon
- kp_hash
- kp_space
- kp_at
- kp_exclam
- kp_memstore
- kp_memrecall
- kp_memclear
- kp_memadd
- kp_memsubtract
- kp_memmultiply
- kp_memdivide
- kp_plusminus
- kp_clear
- kp_clearentry
- kp_binary
- kp_octal
- kp_decimal
- kp_hexadecimal
- lctrl
- lshift
- lalt
- lgui
- rctrl
- rshift
- ralt
- rgui
- mode
- audionext
- audioprev
- audiostop
- audioplay
- audiomute
- mediaselect
- www
- calculator
- computer
- ac_search
- ac_home
- ac_back
- ac_forward
- ac_stop
- ac_refresh
- ac_bookmarks
- brightnessdown
- brightnessup
- displayswitch
- kbdillumtoggle
- kbdillumdown
- kbdillumup
- eject
- sleep
Full list of modifiers
- none (default)
- shift
- ctrl
- alt
- cmd (Windows key)
Adding a mapping
The full process for adding a mapping is as follows. First, add the mapping:
inputManager:addMapping("groupName", "keyBindName", keyCodes.[default key], modifiers.[modifier] or 0)
Then, bind a function to it:
inputManager:addKeyChangedCallback("groupName", "keyBindName", function (isDown, isRepeat)
-- Do whatever you want
Everything should be working now!